
Who’s the Hungry Dancer?

I’m Lauren a twenty-something competitive ballroom and latin dancer. I also work full time in a children’s boutique in Beverly Hills where I’m a buyer and a sales associate!

This blog is about my healthy lifestyle, and how I fuel my body to be the best dancer I can be.  You will find my eats, fitness, fashion tips and the craziness that is my life.  You may also come to find that I’m over caffeinated and a complete goofball!!

P.S I hope you will forgive the grammatical errors that are sure to happen!


My Story

<-2007 (me and my cousin.)

First of all I spent my childhood growing up as the tubby girl..no not tubby..just plain old FAT. From the ages nine through seventeen, I probably gained and lost over 100lbs. I was always yo-yo dieting and I have tried every diet you could imagine. I gained weight on Weight Watchers because there were too many treats; I lost on Jenny Craig but gained back that weight and more once I stopped eating their food. And when I wasn’t on those programs I did low carb or low fat and I would eat so little that I lost weight fast but would gain it back the instant I ate like a normal person. Anytime I would reduce calorie intake too much it would be a given I would start bingeing almost instantly.


In 2008 everything changed when I started dancing.  Just dancing alone I started to lose weight from the extra exercise I was getting. (growing up I was very lazy and HATED to exercise.) Being around all the hot dance professionals I realized it was time for me to start dieting again and try to get in the best shape I could. It was different this time though because I knew I had to do it the right way and it all started with Hungry girl. I started getting their emails and I started working on my cooking and tracking my calories and the weight came off right away. I tweaked her recipes and made a few of my own and all the sudden it was easier then ever.


It’s three years later now and I have taken off 35lbs and kept it off since then. I finally found out food wasn’t my enemy and to listen to my body. With the help of all you bloggies, I eat very clean foods and try to cook as many of my own meals I can so I know what I’m eating. I cook for my family now and have even helped my mom shed the extra pounds she had been carrying around! I also have found that I love fitness! I went from being the laziest teen ever to a devoted gym go-er in such a short time!

I am not here to guide anyone in life or or give expertise on weight loss or fitness or anything. (Cause im no expert) I am just hoping that my knowledge and success with weight loss and cooking might inspire you in anyway. Feel free to as me any questions anytime. Comment or shoot me an email at thehungrydancer@gmail.com.

Learn more:
Meet my Parents

10 responses to “About

  1. Oh my gosh, great story! Awesome that dancing and blogs helped lead you to health. I also found reading blogs to help and am still working on listening to my bodies needs. Can’t wait to read more!

  2. That’s wonderful you found a form of exercise you love! I have zero coordination, so I envy dancers 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  3. Hi! I’m so glad you found my blog. You have an amazing story, I love to dance too, but I’m rather clumsy. I look forward to reading more, and to answer your question, the fro yo here isn’t that great :/

  4. Great story! I’m glad you found your healthy balance! You look great! ps. really jealous you live in cali!

  5. Hooray for a fellow dancer! 🙂

  6. I love your story!! Thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find your page!! I’m looking forward to reading more!

  7. Great story. It was healthy living blogs that really got me on the right track as well! I find them to be the most inspiring 😉

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Love your story and i’m also crazy jealous that you live in Cali!! 🙂 Can’t wait to read more!

  9. You are such an inspiration and a spitfire of energy! Love your blog and love you ❤

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